WWE All Star Search #17 - Championship Wrestling (Feb 1986)
Hello Turnbucklers! It's February 1986 and although we don't have any big featured shows...we do have lots of television to get through. We're getting ever closer to Wrestlemania 2 and I'm hoping some feuds will starts to mold into place. We have one or two debuts in this one and a massive title match. Not so much Hogan but plenty of Piper, Savage, Steamboat and more big names! So...will we get more opportunities to vote for The Wrestling Album? Will Dan Spivey still look like a spare Barry Windham? Will Moondog Spot get an unexpected title run? Let's find out!
The Card:
Moondog Spot/Rusty Brooks vs Ricky Steamboat/King Tonga
Tito Santana (IC Champ) vs Randy Savage [IC Title Match]
Bob Bradley/Terry Gibbs vs Hillbilly Jim/Uncle Elmer
Mr X vs Tito Santana
AJ Petruzzi/The Gladiator vs The British Bulldogs
Paul Dose vs Randy Savage (IC Champ)
The Iron Sheik/Nikolai Volkoff vs Corporal Kirchner/George Steele
The Gladiator vs Superfly Afi
Rusty Brooks/Steve Lombardi vs King Tonga/Ricky Steamboat
The Hart Foundation vs Tony Stetson/Lanny Poffo
Joe Mirto/Iron Mike Sharpe vs The Killer Bees
Boxing Bob Orton vs Jose Luis Rivera
Terry Funk vs Junkyard Dog
Dave Barbie/Les Thornton/Rusty Brooks vs Corporal Kirchner/Pedro Morales/Dan Spivey
Don Muraco vs Jim Londos
Paul Orndorff vs The Mohawk Kid
Paul Roma vs Adrian Adonis
Jim Powers/Scott McGhee vs The Dream Team (Tag Team Champs)
Jeff Cripley vs Adrian Adonis
The Iron Sheik/Nikolai Volkoff vs Jim Powers/SD Jones
Hercules vs Paul Dose
The Killer Bees vs AJ Petruzzi/Dave Barbie
The British Bulldogs vs The Dream Team (Tag Team Champs)
Bob Bradley/Terry Gibbs vs Hillbilly Jim/Uncle Elmer
Big John Studd/King Kong Bundy vs Darryl Bowland/Ivan McDonald
Mr X vs Tito Santana
AJ Petruzzi/The Gladiator vs The British Bulldogs
Paul Dose vs Randy Savage (IC Champ)
The Iron Sheik/Nikolai Volkoff vs Corporal Kirchner/George Steele
The Gladiator vs Superfly Afi
Rusty Brooks/Steve Lombardi vs King Tonga/Ricky Steamboat
The Hart Foundation vs Tony Stetson/Lanny Poffo
Joe Mirto/Iron Mike Sharpe vs The Killer Bees
Boxing Bob Orton vs Jose Luis Rivera
Terry Funk vs Junkyard Dog
Dave Barbie/Les Thornton/Rusty Brooks vs Corporal Kirchner/Pedro Morales/Dan Spivey
Don Muraco vs Jim Londos
Paul Orndorff vs The Mohawk Kid
Paul Roma vs Adrian Adonis
Jim Powers/Scott McGhee vs The Dream Team (Tag Team Champs)
The Show:
So let's start with the 1st of February. Bruno Sammartino and Vince McMahon are on commentary and they run down the card until Adrian Adonis interrupts and says something camp...I didn't quite catch what it was though.
Moondog Spot/Rusty Brooks vs Ricky Steamboat/King Tonga
Big pop for the faces when they come out while Sammartino tries to talk but the audio is well off. Highlights in this one are Steamboats early flurry of arm drags, Moondog Spot actually getting some offense in, King Tonga's sunset flip, the faces double team maneuvers and King Tonga's thrust kick. Tonga hits a headbutt on Rusty Brooks for the 3. Elementary my dear and fair play for giving Tonga the pin. Squash Rating: ***
Update with Lord Al and this week it focusses on Mr T. Apparently he's in peak physical condition and would always be ready to get back into the ring. Maybe that's a hint that he may appear sometime in future? Who knows...
We get another look at the nominees for best personilty in Land of 1000 Dances video. Uncle Elmer's pig gets my vote.
Jeff Cripley vs Adrian Adonis
Big heat for Adonis...and I mean...big heat! Wow! You can't hear the commentators over the 'faggot' chants. 1980's USA...you should be ashamed! Adonis takes his time to dis-robe and this only riles the crowd more so. Very, very quick squash as Adonis hits the DDT after 1 minute for the 3. Fair play to McMahon and Adonis for their bravery in this gimmick change...will be interesting to see how far it goes. Squash Rating: *
Into the back with Mean Gene who runs down an upcoming house show. He's joined by 'Cowboy' Bob Orton. He talks about Orndorff's cast and says he has an idea to even the score. He says Orndorff has no idea what to do with himself. He runs out of time and the music plays him out. A bit subdued but it was harmless.
The Iron Sheik/Nikolai Volkoff vs Jim Powers/SD Jones
It seems like ages since we've seen the evil foreigners and SD Jones, not that that's too much of a bad thing. I truly missed the Soviet national anthem but the crowd definitely haven't as the heat is a strong as ever. Sheik of course riles up the crowd before the lock up and he's so easy to hate. Speaking of hate, Corporal Kirchner comes out to wave the USA flag to big cheers. Have I ever mentioned Sheik uses a lovely back suplex because he uses it again here. In fact, more suplexes from Sheik before he locks on the Camel Clutch for the easy win. Kirchner runs in afterwards to take them both on and he actually comes out on top and sends them reeling to a big pop. Please tell me Kirchner isn't getting over. Squash Rating: **
Wrestlemania 2...it's coming!
Into the back with Mean Gene and he's joined by Paul Orndorff who is still wearing the cast. Apparently some town is giving him the key to the city. Music plays over Orndorff's promo but keeps going on and off so I can't concentrate on what he says. I do catch that Orndorff is going to show Mean Gene how to hunt and he'll show Orton how to take care of business.
The official WWE magazine is advertised next and it looked like a crap issue that month.
Hercules vs Paul Dose
Herc is without Freddie Blassie for this one....oh wait, spoke to soon, he appears on commentary to yell about Kirchner. Herc meanwhile rallies through his strength based moveset including the normal scoop slams and strikes. Blassie challenges Kirchner to a future tag match with Sheik and Volkoff. Hercules locks on the torture rack not long after and that gets the win. Another poor squash match for Hercules. Squash Rating: *
It's Piper's Pit time and first comes out Lou Albano while Piper calls him fat. Albano ain't impressed and he's brought George Steele with him. They talk about Savage's abuse of Liz and how he may have her hypnotised. Steele reacts to the mention of Liz and then chases Orton off the set when he makes fun of Liz. Piper rips into Steele until Steele innocently calls Piper a girl and that ends the segment.
We get an advert for WWE's action figures and Old Spice.
The Killer Bees vs AJ Petruzzi/Dave Barbie
We join the match as it's already underway and the Bee's firmly in control. They use some cool looking double team maneuvers, working over the leg of Barbie. Brunzell almost gets the win with a small package but it only gets a 2. More double team maneuvers on the legs by the Bees before Brunzell hits a nice shinbreaker. Blair comes in, hits a nice powerslam and gets the 3. A bit sloppier than normal from the Bee's but to be fair, Dave Barbie really wasn't the right jobber for them. Squash Rating: **
Wrestlemania 2....is coming!
Another chance to vote for our favourite performance on The Wrestling Album.
The British Bulldogs vs The Dream Team (Tag Team Champs)
This is a non-title match that was set up on the last episode of Championship Wrestling on Piper's Pit. Decent heat for the champs and the Bulldogs get a good reaction. Valentine and Dymanite start with Dynamite coming out on top with an atomic drop and a strong shoulderblock that sends Hammer flailing into the ropes. Valentine takes control with elbows and a scoop slam before tagging in Beefcake who gets a 2 count. Davey Boy tags in and works over Beefer's arm using impressive strength. Valentine back in who continues working over Davey's legs before going for the figure 4. Dynamite breaks it up, tags back in and hits a nice backbreaker on Beefcake for 1 and a headbutt for 2. Kid hits a nice snap suplex before tagging out to Davey who hits a crisp powerslam. Valentine runs in, ends up in a firemans carry while Dynamite jumps off his back, onto Beefcake with a diving headbutt for a 3 count and the crowd pops huge. I kinda think they assume they won the titles which they didn't. Big win for the Bulldogs non the less and this puts them firmly in the chase for the belts. Match Rating: *1/2
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Into the back with Mean Gene who's with Jimmy Hart. Mean Gene says he looks weird and Jimmy says he's one to talk. Hart brings in Adrian Adonis and Terry Funk. Adonis says he woke up one morning and was Mrs Adonis? Funk says it smells bad and starts smelling Mean Gene. He says the smell is JYD and he's been here. Adonis calls JYD 'black lassie' before Funk rants on about some poker players that goes way over my head. Funk mentions Vince McMahon being the owner which is a weird one before the music plays them out. That's all for this weeks episode...so onto the next...
Tito Santana (IC Champ) vs Randy Savage [IC Title Match]
Just thought I'd add this match into the mix as it's important moving forward. This is from the Boston house show that I couldn't find but luckily I managed to find 1 out of 2 matches I wanted to see from that card. Noticable mixed reaction for Tito when he comes out. Of course we get a lot of stalling by Savage to start us off until he tries to use his heel tactics like a thumb to the eye to gain control. It doesn't really work for him as everytime he thinks he's gained control, Tito fights back. They brawl on the outside briefly before Santana hits a nice scoop slam back in the rng. He goes for the Flyign Jalapeno but misses however he does manage a back suplex not long later. Savage takes control with double ax handles and clotheslines. He goes up top and hits another ax handle before throwing Santana out to the floor to hit another one. Back in the ring and Santana counters Savage allowing himself the chance to use his forearms and elbows but only gets a 2 count. There's a double KO spot followed by a weak ref bump that doesn't really have any relevance as he still manages a 2 count. Small package by Santana also gets a 2. Savage goes for a knee drop but misses and injures his knee. This allows Santana to attack and work over the knee. All great psychology as Santana goes for the figure 4 but Savage escapes quickly. They move over to the apron where Savage reaches into his tights but Santana suplexes him back in the ring for 2. He goes for the figure 4 again and Savage escaps to the apron again. This time he does manage to get something out of his tights and when Santana tries to suplex him back in the ring again, he gets nailed with whatever the object was. Savage pins him and we have a NEW Intercontinental Champion to a suprisingly big pop. Great match with a fast pace and good psychology. It's definitely time to end Tito's singles run with a belt as evidenced by the crowd reactions in this one. Looking forward to Savage's reign as IC champ though. Match Rating: ***
Onto the 8th February episode of Championship Wrestling! Once again, the commentators are Vince McMahon and Bruno Sammartino. They run down the card while George Steele wanders about with flowers nearby.
Bob Bradley/Terry Gibbs vs Hillbilly Jim/Uncle Elmer
Oh lord, what a way to start this episode. No Cousin Luke this week which must be the smallest of mercies. Hillbilly Jim starts us off with Gibbs and he hits the safest scoop slams I've ever seen. Hillbilly Jim locks in a DOUBLE bearhug briefly before the heels take control. Its not for long as Bradley eats an atomic drop before Elmer tags in. He hits a poor shoulderblock and a rope assisted leg drop for 3. Poor and Hillbillies still do nothing for this British lad. Squash Rating: *
Update time with Lord Al and this week he's looking at Wrestlemania 2 ... the hype has begun and we get a nice montage of Wrestlemania 1.
We get another chance to vote for best personality in the Land of 1000 Dances Video.
Big John Studd/King Kong Bundy vs Darryl Bowland/Ivan McDonald
Big heat as per for the heels, especially for Heenan who proclaims himself the Manager of the Year...but he gets no arguments from me! Just pointing out, how Scottish is the name Ivan McDonald? McDonald oversells for Studd and it looks unnatural to say the least. He does bump like a bandit for the big men, but if only it looked a little more smooth all would be fine. Finish comes with the inevitable avalanche in the corner and splash on the mat. Bundy wants the 5 count and he gets it! Bundy still looks like a monster which is all good, Studd seems to be losing his fear factor and I think would at this point benefit from being around Bundy less. Squash Rating: **
Into the back with Mean Gene who's with Roddy Piper. He comes in smiling, wielding the Boston Herald. He reads out some article that seems very anti-Bruno Sammartino in regards to their upcoming cage match (happening later on that night). Didn't really dig this promo to be honest.
Mr X vs Tito Santana
Tito doesn't look his normal happy self it seems and I wonder why that may be. Slow start but with nice chain wrestling descends into headlocks and arm drags all made by Tito. Mr X does get some offense in but not for long as Tito regains control. He hits a big back body drop and its not long after the figure 4 is applied and Tito gets the win. Meh. Squash Rating: **
Wrestlemania 2...ITS COMING!
Into the back with Mean Gene who's with Bruno Sammartino. He rips into Piper and talks about Bob Orton not being around to get involved in their upcoming match. They rip some guy called Charlie Manning and Bruno says he's ready for his match with Piper! We get some Italian which I don't actually speak and that's it.
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AJ Petruzzi/The Gladiator vs The British Bulldogs
Last week we saw the Bulldogs get a big win against the champs so their momentum is growing and the crowd response to them is growing alongside it. Dynamite hits a nice missile dropkick and a nice snap suplex. Davey Boy hits a nice standing suplex for 2 before Gladiator comes in. Amazing finish as Dynamite half-suplexes Petruzzi onto Davey who sits atop the turnbuckle, into the powerslam position which he hits from the top rope for 3! That looked so awesome and the match was nothing special until that finish. Squash Rating: ****
Piper's Pit time and he starts by moaning about the fans making Bob Orton take his cast off. He introduces Orton who comes in and he's now Boxing Bob Orton. He's putting up an open contract for anyone to fight him. Just when we think we have all the answers, Piper changes the motherfucking questions! Damn him...heel.
Paul Dose vs Randy Savage (IC Champ)
Good lord, Liz looks amazing! Her and Macho are sporting lovely matching sequin blue attire. His reactions are getting bigger too if possible. Before we start, out comes George Steele who hands Liz some flowers. Macho spots this and goes batshit crazy at Liz before destroying the flowers! Somewhere, a florists heart just broke. The match itself is short work for Savage who starts by pearl harbouring Dose...and quickly follows up with his Flying Elbow for 3. Just angle advancement with an added elbow drop for poor Paul Dose. I'm still not too excited for Macho vs Steele as it seems to be building towards, time has just not been kind to this very 80's angle. Squash Rating: *
Wrestlemania 2...IT'S COMING!!!
We get another look at the various songs on The Wrestling Album...and it's still not sounding any better than previous.
The Iron Sheik/Nikolai Volkoff vs Corporal Kirchner/George Steele
Of course we get the Soviet National Anthem to big heat...however I think it's lovely! Kirchner's music interrupts halfway through but he's partner-less. Oh wait! No he is not, George Steele is his partner! It seems Kirchner and the foreign heels are building a feud of their own recently. Kirchner starts off with Sheiky baby and we get some brief chain wrestling...and I mean brief. Big USA chant lifts the mood as Kirchner rallies through his poor basic maneuvers including the worst clothesline I've ever seen. Sheik takes control and another big USA chant breaks out. Kirchner with a suplex and Steele is tagged in. The heels double team him but Steele no sells, grabs a plastic chair and levels the heels. That of course gets the DQ win for Sheik and Volkoff. Pointless yet painful. Squash Rating: *
Into the back with Mean Gene and he's interrupted by Don Muraco and Mr Fuji. They talk about Liz in a pretty creepy manner. In fact, the word 'binoculars' is used so make your own mind up. They rip on Bruno Sammartino before Muraco has to stop and think what he's actually talking about. Finally he talks about Ricky Steamboat and how he thinks he's Bruce Lee. Muraco says he doesn't mind being tied up and rallies through some stereotypical martial arts noises before he yells the show to a finish!
It's the 15th of February's Championship Wrestling now and again, Vince and Bruno are on commentary.
The Gladiator vs Superfly Afi
Superfly Afi is supposedly the cousin of Jimmy Snuka and he certainly looks like him...if not a little slimmer. He comes out to what seems like porn music. The crowd shits all over both men here so it seems the crowd don't really want Snuka's cousin. Chain wrestling to start as the crowd chant boring. Seriously, they are really letting these two have it. Afi works over the legs of the Gladiator before he reaches the ropes. There seems to be one bloke in the crowd who's hating this match more so than everyone else. Now Gladiator works over Afi's legs but it's not long before the roles are reversed once again. I think I'm about to start chanting boring myself to be honest. Afi nails a chop, a headbutt, a scoop slam and he finishes with the Superfly Splash. Not a good debut for Mr Afi and I don't understand why they need to shill him as a Snuka.2. Oh well. Squash Rating: *
This week's update with Lord Al is about The British Bulldogs. We see clips of them beating the champs a couple of weeks previous.
We get an advertisement for the Wrestling Album...it's still dreadful. Straight after...we see clips of the Land of 1000 Dances video and we can still vote for the best personality within it.
Norton AntiVirus
Rusty Brooks/Steve Lombardi vs King Tonga/Ricky Steamboat
Strangely enough, Tonga and Steamboat come out to Ric Flair's music. The same music Flair was using as early as 1986. Dragon and Lombardi start off with a quick pace and Steamer nails a cross body. Tonga tags in and uses his array of strikes so send Lombardi to the mat. Dragon back in and the faces do some nice double teaming. Tonga comes in, nails a nice thrust kick to the face followed by a headbutt for the 3 count. Rusty Brooks did try and break the pin...but fell on his fat face while attempting to get in the ring. I feel like I like Tonga more just because he's appearing with Steamboat so much and that can't be good. I love his thrust kick though. Squash Rating: **
Into the back with Mean Gene and he's with the now former Intercontinental Champion, Tito Santana. He talks about how Savage screwed him out of the title and next week he will show the people what happened. He brings out some object which Savage apparently used to win the title and Mean Gene claims it to be 32 ounces. In drugs terms alone, that's a lot. ARIBA!
The Hart Foundation vs Tony Stetson/Lanny Poffo
Bret is still Brett I should point out. Leaping Lanny regales us all with a lovely poem about the Foundation which Jimmy Hart sells like he's just been cursed. Poffo controls the very early goings suprisingly and in comes Stetson who first gets booed for some reason, and then gets his arse handed to him by the Foundation. Bret comes in and hits that awesome backbreaker that he does. It's not long after that Stetson suffers a Hart Attack and the Foundation get the 3. The Foundation, The Bulldogs and The Bee's are keeping this tag division one of the best parts of this 1986 product and to think who the recent past champions have been. Squash Rating: ***
Wrestlemania 2 ... ITS COMING!!!
Into the back with Mean Gene and he's joined by the Junkyard Dog! I have no idea what he says but it is about the Funk Brothers and he mentions his wife. He forgets Dory Funk's name and says something about 'World Wide Dog' ... and that is our 'I Beg Your Pardon of the Week'
Joe Mirto/Iron Mike Sharpe vs The Killer Bees
More solid tag team action for us now with the Killer Bees! Quick start with Blair and Sharpe with Blair using a nice stalling headscissors and many an arm drag! Sharpe recollects his thoughts on the outside before heading back in the ring. Sharpe growls like a Mario villain I should point out but I actually kind of rate him. Another stalling headscissors for the Bee's before the heels take control briefly. I meant briefly...as not long after the Bee's go back to double team maneauvers and a dropkick gets the win for the Bee's. The issue with the Bee's is simply they seem to be too vanilla! Then again, every promotion needs solid workers for the big names to work with. Squash Rating: ***
Piper's Pit time and he's with Boxing Bob Orton. He brings out Jose Luis Rivera and of course, Piper rips the ever loving shit out of him for being a jobber. Rivera cuts a shocking, emotionless promo and Piper does everything he can to drag something out of him. It turns out Rivera is Orton's upcoming boxing opponent and I don't like his chances. I hope I never have to hear Rivera talk again! If the Bee's are Vanilla...this guy is just frozen water.
Boxing Bob Orton vs Jose Luis Rivera
So there's punches, shuffles, dodges and eventually a knock out punch for Orton. It made Orton look strong enough but surely it's Piper they should be focussing on? Hopefully it'll make sense in due course. Squash Rating: *
Wrestlemania 2...IT'S COMING!!!
Another chance for us to vote for the best vocal performance on The Wrestling Album. Jimmy Hart definitely enjoyed doing his, he looks so happy, bless him!
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Terry Funk vs Junkyard Dog
Well, this is quite the big match for TV in 1986! These two have been feuding for a good few months and the match starts off quick and heated on the outside with some brawling. Back in the ring, JYD hits a big back body drop followed by his canine headbutts as the crowd eat it all up with big JYD chants. They trade some stiff right hands before JYD levels Funk's head in the corner repeatedly and then again in the opposite corner and again in another corner until Jimmy Hart tries to get involved. JYD chases him around the ring and manages to get a 2 count on Funk. Funk ends up tied in the ropes as Hart tries to brand JYD from behind. It's an epic failure though as JYD gets the branding iron. However, Dory Funk Jr appears out of no where, levels JYD and helps his brother level JYD. The heels continue the assault until jobbers come out to clear the ring. JYD gets the win via DQ but this was an introduction to Dory and very much storyline advancement for this JYD/Funk feud. Match Rating: *
Into the back with Mean Gene who's joined by Jimmy Hart. He's well excited over what just happened to JYD as the Funk's appear. Terry introduces his brother Dory Funk JR who's dressed as a cowboy. Terry tells a story of how his brother killed a dog which is lovely. He name drops the NWA and says that Hogan has wiped their name off the map - wow! It's going to be the Funks versus JYD and Hogan soon enough apparently and that's all for this episode.
Into the final episode of Championship Wrestling for February 1986 and its the 22nd. Our commentators are Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura. Vince tells us Bruno is on vacation while Jesse says he needs a permanent vacation.
Dave Barbie/Les Thornton/Rusty Brooks vs Corporal Kirchner/Pedro Morales/Dan Spivey
Christ, what a collection of talent in this one. To think Morales is a former WWE champion as well. He starts us off with Les Thornton and works in some headlocks which he refuses to let go of. In comes Kirchner to take the standards higher. He botches a suplex and an irish whip (!) but actually hits a solid backbreaker. In comes Spivey who looks huge in comparison to everyone else in the ring. Morales tagged back in who cleans house of the heels with vintage looking strikes. Spivey tags back in, hits a bulldog and that gets the 3. Crap. Squash Rating: *
Update time with Lord Al and this week it's all about Roddy Piper! Weirdly enough, the clip is of Boxing Bob's previous match last week but apparently Piper is coaching Orton. Who can possibly stop him? That's the question!
Buy The Wrestling Album - it has Hillbilly Jim on it!
Buy WWE Thumbwrestlers - the Iron Sheik endorses them!
One last chance to vote for the best personality in the Land of 1000 Dances video. Who will win?!
Don Muraco vs Jim Londos
Muraco says he would like to dedicate his piledriver to Jesse Ventura which to me is slightly random despite them both being heels. We have a new jobber as well in Jim Londos! Of course, Muraco spends the whole of the match using his strength and using the bottom rope to jab the throat of Londos. One Ventura dedicated piledriver later, Muraco is our winner. That was the definition of an average squash match...fuck all happened but Muraco still looked strong. Squash Rating: **
Into the back with Mean Gene and he's joined by Tito Santana. He's still pissed with losing the IC title and even more pissed with the producers for not showing the footage. As to why they can't show that footage but will replay any other footage is beyond me. Ariba!
Paul Orndorff vs The Mohawk Kid
Another new jobber! I'm being spoilt recently. The match starts off very quick and I barely blink before Orndorff is coming off the top rope with a ax handle. The crowd is on fire for Orndorff and he hits a nice suplex. What's strange is he's wrestling like a big bad heel with a lot of aggression but the crowd love it. Orndorff hits a clothesline and follows up with a piledriver and that gets the 3. It's frustrating the Orndorff seems to be in limbo at the moment, it seems like he's being wasted. The crowd is so hot for him, but his character is interesting with his subtle attitude issues. He brings a kid in the ring afterwards...strips the kid (!)...and they pose together. Squash Rating: **
Wrestlemania 2...IT'S COMING!!!
Into the back with Mean Gene and he's joined by JYD who looks somewhat anxious. It's because Hogan isn't around to watch his back. Once again, I can't understand a fucking word of JYD's promo...I heard 'scratch' 'snake' 'Dory' 'Betsy' 'Sue' and 'dust'. Make your own promo up with those.
Paul Roma vs Adrian Adonis
The 'f*ggot' chants are already coming thick and fast before the bell even rings. Adonis is wearing a lovely soft pink attire but he looks like a bottle of Yazoo. McMahon seems infuriated that Adonis has bows in his hair. Roma actually starts off in control using a series of hip tosses but Adonis takes control with a cheeky kick to the stomach. He hits a scoop slam and follows that by dropping Roma throat first on the top rope. They no sell each other's punches but Adonis avoids a charge, hits his DDT and that gets the 3 count. Another average squash match but I'd like to see Adonis in a featured feud. Squash Rating: **
Piper's Pit time and they have an open contract for anyone who has wrestled for WWE to face Boxing Bob. Shockingly, Hulk Hogan appears and nicks the mic from Piper. Hogan says he'd love to box with Orton but he has a friend who would love to fight Boxing Bob. That friend...it's only Mr T! Piper goes nuts and storms off! A fun quick little segment.
Bafflingly, we actually do get footage from Savage vs Santana at the Boston house show but for my review of that...well, I presume you already read it earlier in this edition.
And the best vocal performance on the Wrestling Album is.......announced next week!
Jim Powers/Scott McGhee vs The Dream Team (Tag Team Champs)
The faces start off in control until Valentine takes control with a hip toss followed by a scoop slam. In comes Beefcake who chokes Powers in the ropes. He makes his way to McGhee who manages to fight back against Hammer, including a weird scissor dropkick thing. In comes Powers who gets a 2 count on the Hammer but he manages to tag in Beefcake who hits a nice powerslam. Valentine back in who manages to lock on the Figure Four and that gets the elimentary win for the champs! The jobbers got more offense in than normal but another standard squash match in an episode full of them. Squash Rating: ****
That's all we have for February 1986 so onto the scores...
Furniture at Laura Ashley
So as you've just seen, a lot of wrestler's gaining points in February. Randy Savage brought in the biggest haul mainly due to his title win, quality of match and angle advancement with George Steele. The tag teams did well this month too, with quality matches the main reason for a good points haul for them, especially the Bulldogs. Bob Orton had a lot of focus on him which has been quite rare since starting the blog, so it was nice to give some decent points to him. Sivi Afi did pretty poorly and Dory Funk Jr I expect to gain his first points in the next edition. Hogan is still out in the lead, gaining two points this week for his appearance on Pipers Pit and being name dropped constantly by others. Savage, Piper, Orndorff and Valentine are all slowly but surely closing the points gap. Anyway, into March we go and towards Wrestlemania 2...IT'S COMING!!!
Wrestlemania 2....is coming!
Another chance to vote for our favourite performance on The Wrestling Album.
The British Bulldogs vs The Dream Team (Tag Team Champs)
This is a non-title match that was set up on the last episode of Championship Wrestling on Piper's Pit. Decent heat for the champs and the Bulldogs get a good reaction. Valentine and Dymanite start with Dynamite coming out on top with an atomic drop and a strong shoulderblock that sends Hammer flailing into the ropes. Valentine takes control with elbows and a scoop slam before tagging in Beefcake who gets a 2 count. Davey Boy tags in and works over Beefer's arm using impressive strength. Valentine back in who continues working over Davey's legs before going for the figure 4. Dynamite breaks it up, tags back in and hits a nice backbreaker on Beefcake for 1 and a headbutt for 2. Kid hits a nice snap suplex before tagging out to Davey who hits a crisp powerslam. Valentine runs in, ends up in a firemans carry while Dynamite jumps off his back, onto Beefcake with a diving headbutt for a 3 count and the crowd pops huge. I kinda think they assume they won the titles which they didn't. Big win for the Bulldogs non the less and this puts them firmly in the chase for the belts. Match Rating: *1/2
Into the back with Mean Gene who's with Jimmy Hart. Mean Gene says he looks weird and Jimmy says he's one to talk. Hart brings in Adrian Adonis and Terry Funk. Adonis says he woke up one morning and was Mrs Adonis? Funk says it smells bad and starts smelling Mean Gene. He says the smell is JYD and he's been here. Adonis calls JYD 'black lassie' before Funk rants on about some poker players that goes way over my head. Funk mentions Vince McMahon being the owner which is a weird one before the music plays them out. That's all for this weeks episode...so onto the next...
Tito Santana (IC Champ) vs Randy Savage [IC Title Match]
Just thought I'd add this match into the mix as it's important moving forward. This is from the Boston house show that I couldn't find but luckily I managed to find 1 out of 2 matches I wanted to see from that card. Noticable mixed reaction for Tito when he comes out. Of course we get a lot of stalling by Savage to start us off until he tries to use his heel tactics like a thumb to the eye to gain control. It doesn't really work for him as everytime he thinks he's gained control, Tito fights back. They brawl on the outside briefly before Santana hits a nice scoop slam back in the rng. He goes for the Flyign Jalapeno but misses however he does manage a back suplex not long later. Savage takes control with double ax handles and clotheslines. He goes up top and hits another ax handle before throwing Santana out to the floor to hit another one. Back in the ring and Santana counters Savage allowing himself the chance to use his forearms and elbows but only gets a 2 count. There's a double KO spot followed by a weak ref bump that doesn't really have any relevance as he still manages a 2 count. Small package by Santana also gets a 2. Savage goes for a knee drop but misses and injures his knee. This allows Santana to attack and work over the knee. All great psychology as Santana goes for the figure 4 but Savage escapes quickly. They move over to the apron where Savage reaches into his tights but Santana suplexes him back in the ring for 2. He goes for the figure 4 again and Savage escaps to the apron again. This time he does manage to get something out of his tights and when Santana tries to suplex him back in the ring again, he gets nailed with whatever the object was. Savage pins him and we have a NEW Intercontinental Champion to a suprisingly big pop. Great match with a fast pace and good psychology. It's definitely time to end Tito's singles run with a belt as evidenced by the crowd reactions in this one. Looking forward to Savage's reign as IC champ though. Match Rating: ***
Onto the 8th February episode of Championship Wrestling! Once again, the commentators are Vince McMahon and Bruno Sammartino. They run down the card while George Steele wanders about with flowers nearby.
Bob Bradley/Terry Gibbs vs Hillbilly Jim/Uncle Elmer
Oh lord, what a way to start this episode. No Cousin Luke this week which must be the smallest of mercies. Hillbilly Jim starts us off with Gibbs and he hits the safest scoop slams I've ever seen. Hillbilly Jim locks in a DOUBLE bearhug briefly before the heels take control. Its not for long as Bradley eats an atomic drop before Elmer tags in. He hits a poor shoulderblock and a rope assisted leg drop for 3. Poor and Hillbillies still do nothing for this British lad. Squash Rating: *
Update time with Lord Al and this week he's looking at Wrestlemania 2 ... the hype has begun and we get a nice montage of Wrestlemania 1.
We get another chance to vote for best personality in the Land of 1000 Dances Video.
Big John Studd/King Kong Bundy vs Darryl Bowland/Ivan McDonald
Big heat as per for the heels, especially for Heenan who proclaims himself the Manager of the Year...but he gets no arguments from me! Just pointing out, how Scottish is the name Ivan McDonald? McDonald oversells for Studd and it looks unnatural to say the least. He does bump like a bandit for the big men, but if only it looked a little more smooth all would be fine. Finish comes with the inevitable avalanche in the corner and splash on the mat. Bundy wants the 5 count and he gets it! Bundy still looks like a monster which is all good, Studd seems to be losing his fear factor and I think would at this point benefit from being around Bundy less. Squash Rating: **
Into the back with Mean Gene who's with Roddy Piper. He comes in smiling, wielding the Boston Herald. He reads out some article that seems very anti-Bruno Sammartino in regards to their upcoming cage match (happening later on that night). Didn't really dig this promo to be honest.
Mr X vs Tito Santana
Tito doesn't look his normal happy self it seems and I wonder why that may be. Slow start but with nice chain wrestling descends into headlocks and arm drags all made by Tito. Mr X does get some offense in but not for long as Tito regains control. He hits a big back body drop and its not long after the figure 4 is applied and Tito gets the win. Meh. Squash Rating: **
Wrestlemania 2...ITS COMING!
Into the back with Mean Gene who's with Bruno Sammartino. He rips into Piper and talks about Bob Orton not being around to get involved in their upcoming match. They rip some guy called Charlie Manning and Bruno says he's ready for his match with Piper! We get some Italian which I don't actually speak and that's it.
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AJ Petruzzi/The Gladiator vs The British Bulldogs
Last week we saw the Bulldogs get a big win against the champs so their momentum is growing and the crowd response to them is growing alongside it. Dynamite hits a nice missile dropkick and a nice snap suplex. Davey Boy hits a nice standing suplex for 2 before Gladiator comes in. Amazing finish as Dynamite half-suplexes Petruzzi onto Davey who sits atop the turnbuckle, into the powerslam position which he hits from the top rope for 3! That looked so awesome and the match was nothing special until that finish. Squash Rating: ****
Piper's Pit time and he starts by moaning about the fans making Bob Orton take his cast off. He introduces Orton who comes in and he's now Boxing Bob Orton. He's putting up an open contract for anyone to fight him. Just when we think we have all the answers, Piper changes the motherfucking questions! Damn him...heel.
Paul Dose vs Randy Savage (IC Champ)
Good lord, Liz looks amazing! Her and Macho are sporting lovely matching sequin blue attire. His reactions are getting bigger too if possible. Before we start, out comes George Steele who hands Liz some flowers. Macho spots this and goes batshit crazy at Liz before destroying the flowers! Somewhere, a florists heart just broke. The match itself is short work for Savage who starts by pearl harbouring Dose...and quickly follows up with his Flying Elbow for 3. Just angle advancement with an added elbow drop for poor Paul Dose. I'm still not too excited for Macho vs Steele as it seems to be building towards, time has just not been kind to this very 80's angle. Squash Rating: *
Wrestlemania 2...IT'S COMING!!!
We get another look at the various songs on The Wrestling Album...and it's still not sounding any better than previous.
The Iron Sheik/Nikolai Volkoff vs Corporal Kirchner/George Steele
Of course we get the Soviet National Anthem to big heat...however I think it's lovely! Kirchner's music interrupts halfway through but he's partner-less. Oh wait! No he is not, George Steele is his partner! It seems Kirchner and the foreign heels are building a feud of their own recently. Kirchner starts off with Sheiky baby and we get some brief chain wrestling...and I mean brief. Big USA chant lifts the mood as Kirchner rallies through his poor basic maneuvers including the worst clothesline I've ever seen. Sheik takes control and another big USA chant breaks out. Kirchner with a suplex and Steele is tagged in. The heels double team him but Steele no sells, grabs a plastic chair and levels the heels. That of course gets the DQ win for Sheik and Volkoff. Pointless yet painful. Squash Rating: *
Into the back with Mean Gene and he's interrupted by Don Muraco and Mr Fuji. They talk about Liz in a pretty creepy manner. In fact, the word 'binoculars' is used so make your own mind up. They rip on Bruno Sammartino before Muraco has to stop and think what he's actually talking about. Finally he talks about Ricky Steamboat and how he thinks he's Bruce Lee. Muraco says he doesn't mind being tied up and rallies through some stereotypical martial arts noises before he yells the show to a finish!
It's the 15th of February's Championship Wrestling now and again, Vince and Bruno are on commentary.
The Gladiator vs Superfly Afi
Superfly Afi is supposedly the cousin of Jimmy Snuka and he certainly looks like him...if not a little slimmer. He comes out to what seems like porn music. The crowd shits all over both men here so it seems the crowd don't really want Snuka's cousin. Chain wrestling to start as the crowd chant boring. Seriously, they are really letting these two have it. Afi works over the legs of the Gladiator before he reaches the ropes. There seems to be one bloke in the crowd who's hating this match more so than everyone else. Now Gladiator works over Afi's legs but it's not long before the roles are reversed once again. I think I'm about to start chanting boring myself to be honest. Afi nails a chop, a headbutt, a scoop slam and he finishes with the Superfly Splash. Not a good debut for Mr Afi and I don't understand why they need to shill him as a Snuka.2. Oh well. Squash Rating: *
This week's update with Lord Al is about The British Bulldogs. We see clips of them beating the champs a couple of weeks previous.
We get an advertisement for the Wrestling Album...it's still dreadful. Straight after...we see clips of the Land of 1000 Dances video and we can still vote for the best personality within it.
Norton AntiVirus
Strangely enough, Tonga and Steamboat come out to Ric Flair's music. The same music Flair was using as early as 1986. Dragon and Lombardi start off with a quick pace and Steamer nails a cross body. Tonga tags in and uses his array of strikes so send Lombardi to the mat. Dragon back in and the faces do some nice double teaming. Tonga comes in, nails a nice thrust kick to the face followed by a headbutt for the 3 count. Rusty Brooks did try and break the pin...but fell on his fat face while attempting to get in the ring. I feel like I like Tonga more just because he's appearing with Steamboat so much and that can't be good. I love his thrust kick though. Squash Rating: **
Into the back with Mean Gene and he's with the now former Intercontinental Champion, Tito Santana. He talks about how Savage screwed him out of the title and next week he will show the people what happened. He brings out some object which Savage apparently used to win the title and Mean Gene claims it to be 32 ounces. In drugs terms alone, that's a lot. ARIBA!
The Hart Foundation vs Tony Stetson/Lanny Poffo
Bret is still Brett I should point out. Leaping Lanny regales us all with a lovely poem about the Foundation which Jimmy Hart sells like he's just been cursed. Poffo controls the very early goings suprisingly and in comes Stetson who first gets booed for some reason, and then gets his arse handed to him by the Foundation. Bret comes in and hits that awesome backbreaker that he does. It's not long after that Stetson suffers a Hart Attack and the Foundation get the 3. The Foundation, The Bulldogs and The Bee's are keeping this tag division one of the best parts of this 1986 product and to think who the recent past champions have been. Squash Rating: ***
Wrestlemania 2 ... ITS COMING!!!
Into the back with Mean Gene and he's joined by the Junkyard Dog! I have no idea what he says but it is about the Funk Brothers and he mentions his wife. He forgets Dory Funk's name and says something about 'World Wide Dog' ... and that is our 'I Beg Your Pardon of the Week'
Joe Mirto/Iron Mike Sharpe vs The Killer Bees
More solid tag team action for us now with the Killer Bees! Quick start with Blair and Sharpe with Blair using a nice stalling headscissors and many an arm drag! Sharpe recollects his thoughts on the outside before heading back in the ring. Sharpe growls like a Mario villain I should point out but I actually kind of rate him. Another stalling headscissors for the Bee's before the heels take control briefly. I meant briefly...as not long after the Bee's go back to double team maneauvers and a dropkick gets the win for the Bee's. The issue with the Bee's is simply they seem to be too vanilla! Then again, every promotion needs solid workers for the big names to work with. Squash Rating: ***
Piper's Pit time and he's with Boxing Bob Orton. He brings out Jose Luis Rivera and of course, Piper rips the ever loving shit out of him for being a jobber. Rivera cuts a shocking, emotionless promo and Piper does everything he can to drag something out of him. It turns out Rivera is Orton's upcoming boxing opponent and I don't like his chances. I hope I never have to hear Rivera talk again! If the Bee's are Vanilla...this guy is just frozen water.
Boxing Bob Orton vs Jose Luis Rivera
So there's punches, shuffles, dodges and eventually a knock out punch for Orton. It made Orton look strong enough but surely it's Piper they should be focussing on? Hopefully it'll make sense in due course. Squash Rating: *
Wrestlemania 2...IT'S COMING!!!
Another chance for us to vote for the best vocal performance on The Wrestling Album. Jimmy Hart definitely enjoyed doing his, he looks so happy, bless him!
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Terry Funk vs Junkyard Dog
Well, this is quite the big match for TV in 1986! These two have been feuding for a good few months and the match starts off quick and heated on the outside with some brawling. Back in the ring, JYD hits a big back body drop followed by his canine headbutts as the crowd eat it all up with big JYD chants. They trade some stiff right hands before JYD levels Funk's head in the corner repeatedly and then again in the opposite corner and again in another corner until Jimmy Hart tries to get involved. JYD chases him around the ring and manages to get a 2 count on Funk. Funk ends up tied in the ropes as Hart tries to brand JYD from behind. It's an epic failure though as JYD gets the branding iron. However, Dory Funk Jr appears out of no where, levels JYD and helps his brother level JYD. The heels continue the assault until jobbers come out to clear the ring. JYD gets the win via DQ but this was an introduction to Dory and very much storyline advancement for this JYD/Funk feud. Match Rating: *
Into the back with Mean Gene who's joined by Jimmy Hart. He's well excited over what just happened to JYD as the Funk's appear. Terry introduces his brother Dory Funk JR who's dressed as a cowboy. Terry tells a story of how his brother killed a dog which is lovely. He name drops the NWA and says that Hogan has wiped their name off the map - wow! It's going to be the Funks versus JYD and Hogan soon enough apparently and that's all for this episode.
Into the final episode of Championship Wrestling for February 1986 and its the 22nd. Our commentators are Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura. Vince tells us Bruno is on vacation while Jesse says he needs a permanent vacation.
Dave Barbie/Les Thornton/Rusty Brooks vs Corporal Kirchner/Pedro Morales/Dan Spivey
Christ, what a collection of talent in this one. To think Morales is a former WWE champion as well. He starts us off with Les Thornton and works in some headlocks which he refuses to let go of. In comes Kirchner to take the standards higher. He botches a suplex and an irish whip (!) but actually hits a solid backbreaker. In comes Spivey who looks huge in comparison to everyone else in the ring. Morales tagged back in who cleans house of the heels with vintage looking strikes. Spivey tags back in, hits a bulldog and that gets the 3. Crap. Squash Rating: *
Update time with Lord Al and this week it's all about Roddy Piper! Weirdly enough, the clip is of Boxing Bob's previous match last week but apparently Piper is coaching Orton. Who can possibly stop him? That's the question!
Buy The Wrestling Album - it has Hillbilly Jim on it!
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One last chance to vote for the best personality in the Land of 1000 Dances video. Who will win?!
Don Muraco vs Jim Londos
Muraco says he would like to dedicate his piledriver to Jesse Ventura which to me is slightly random despite them both being heels. We have a new jobber as well in Jim Londos! Of course, Muraco spends the whole of the match using his strength and using the bottom rope to jab the throat of Londos. One Ventura dedicated piledriver later, Muraco is our winner. That was the definition of an average squash match...fuck all happened but Muraco still looked strong. Squash Rating: **
Into the back with Mean Gene and he's joined by Tito Santana. He's still pissed with losing the IC title and even more pissed with the producers for not showing the footage. As to why they can't show that footage but will replay any other footage is beyond me. Ariba!
Paul Orndorff vs The Mohawk Kid
Another new jobber! I'm being spoilt recently. The match starts off very quick and I barely blink before Orndorff is coming off the top rope with a ax handle. The crowd is on fire for Orndorff and he hits a nice suplex. What's strange is he's wrestling like a big bad heel with a lot of aggression but the crowd love it. Orndorff hits a clothesline and follows up with a piledriver and that gets the 3. It's frustrating the Orndorff seems to be in limbo at the moment, it seems like he's being wasted. The crowd is so hot for him, but his character is interesting with his subtle attitude issues. He brings a kid in the ring afterwards...strips the kid (!)...and they pose together. Squash Rating: **
Wrestlemania 2...IT'S COMING!!!
Into the back with Mean Gene and he's joined by JYD who looks somewhat anxious. It's because Hogan isn't around to watch his back. Once again, I can't understand a fucking word of JYD's promo...I heard 'scratch' 'snake' 'Dory' 'Betsy' 'Sue' and 'dust'. Make your own promo up with those.
Paul Roma vs Adrian Adonis
The 'f*ggot' chants are already coming thick and fast before the bell even rings. Adonis is wearing a lovely soft pink attire but he looks like a bottle of Yazoo. McMahon seems infuriated that Adonis has bows in his hair. Roma actually starts off in control using a series of hip tosses but Adonis takes control with a cheeky kick to the stomach. He hits a scoop slam and follows that by dropping Roma throat first on the top rope. They no sell each other's punches but Adonis avoids a charge, hits his DDT and that gets the 3 count. Another average squash match but I'd like to see Adonis in a featured feud. Squash Rating: **
Piper's Pit time and they have an open contract for anyone who has wrestled for WWE to face Boxing Bob. Shockingly, Hulk Hogan appears and nicks the mic from Piper. Hogan says he'd love to box with Orton but he has a friend who would love to fight Boxing Bob. That friend...it's only Mr T! Piper goes nuts and storms off! A fun quick little segment.
Bafflingly, we actually do get footage from Savage vs Santana at the Boston house show but for my review of that...well, I presume you already read it earlier in this edition.
And the best vocal performance on the Wrestling Album is.......announced next week!
Jim Powers/Scott McGhee vs The Dream Team (Tag Team Champs)
The faces start off in control until Valentine takes control with a hip toss followed by a scoop slam. In comes Beefcake who chokes Powers in the ropes. He makes his way to McGhee who manages to fight back against Hammer, including a weird scissor dropkick thing. In comes Powers who gets a 2 count on the Hammer but he manages to tag in Beefcake who hits a nice powerslam. Valentine back in who manages to lock on the Figure Four and that gets the elimentary win for the champs! The jobbers got more offense in than normal but another standard squash match in an episode full of them. Squash Rating: ****
That's all we have for February 1986 so onto the scores...
Furniture at Laura Ashley
Wrestler Scores:
- Moondog Spot +1 (10)
- Rusty Brooks +2 (2)
- Ricky Steamboat +7 (59)
- King Tonga +6 (12)
- Mr T +1 (8)
- Adrian Adonis +8 (36)
- Jeff Cripley +1 (4)
- Bob Orton +8 (34)
- Iron Sheik +6 (35)
- Nikolai Volkoff +5 (32)
- Jim Powers +2 (3)
- SD Jones +1 (11)
- Paul Orndorff +6 (50)
- Hercules +3 (10)
- Paul Dose +2 (5)
- Roddy Piper +4 (62)
- George Steele +4 (20)
- B Brian Blair +7 (20)
- Jim Brunzell +7 (11)
- AJ Petruzzi +2 (3)
- Dave Barbie +2 (2)
- Davey Boy Smith +8 (31)
- Dynamite Kid +8 (33)
- Greg Valentine +7 (52)
- Brutus Beefcake +7 (29)
- Terry Funk +6 (31)
- Junkyard Dog +6 (47)
- Tito Santana +10 (66)
- Randy Savage +12 (51)
- Bob Bradley +1 (1)
- Terry Gibbs +1 (6)
- Hillbilly Jim +3 (12)
- Uncle Elmer +2 (9)
- Big John Studd +4 (20)
- King Kong Bundy +4 (29)
- Darryl Bowland +1 (1)
- Ivan McDonald +1 (1)
- Mr X +1 (2)
- Bruno Sammartino +2 (7)
- The Gladiator +1 (1)
- Corporal Kirchner +5 (19)
- Don Muraco +4 (29)
- Sivi Afi +3 (3)
- Steve Lombardi +1 (3)
- Bret Hart +4 (26)
- Jim Neidhart +4 (24)
- Tony Stetson +1 (2)
- Lanny Poffo +2 (8)
- Joe Mirto +1 (3)
- Iron Mike Sharpe +1 (9)
- Jose Luis Rivera +2 (6)
- Les Thornton +1 (5)
- Pedro Morales +3 (8)
- Dan Spivey +3 (7)
- Jim Londos +1 (1)
- The Mohawk Kid
- Paul Roma +1 (5)
- Hulk Hogan +2 (72)
- Scott McGhee +1 (5)
So as you've just seen, a lot of wrestler's gaining points in February. Randy Savage brought in the biggest haul mainly due to his title win, quality of match and angle advancement with George Steele. The tag teams did well this month too, with quality matches the main reason for a good points haul for them, especially the Bulldogs. Bob Orton had a lot of focus on him which has been quite rare since starting the blog, so it was nice to give some decent points to him. Sivi Afi did pretty poorly and Dory Funk Jr I expect to gain his first points in the next edition. Hogan is still out in the lead, gaining two points this week for his appearance on Pipers Pit and being name dropped constantly by others. Savage, Piper, Orndorff and Valentine are all slowly but surely closing the points gap. Anyway, into March we go and towards Wrestlemania 2...IT'S COMING!!!
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