WWE All Star Search #24 - Championship Wrestling (April 1986)
Hello Turnbucklers! Wrestlemania 2 eh...it came, it saw...it...went. Now we move forward and start the long, long journey to Wrestlemania 3...but I can't remember if anything big or iconic happened at that one, so we'll have to wait and see. Everything is now up in the open so let's see what feuds will continue and what feuds will develop in the months going forward. This is Terry Funk's last appearance for a while and I think Roddy Piper's as well. Lot's of big names appearing in this edition so let's get on with it...
The Card:
Ricky Steamboat/Junkyard Dog vs Mr X/Moondog Spot
The Hart Foundation vs Mario Mancini/SD Jones
John Rizzo vs George Steele
The Hart Foundation vs Mario Mancini/SD Jones
John Rizzo vs George Steele
Terry Morgan vs Don Muraco
Paul Orndorff vs Steve Lombardi
The Gladiator/Dave Barbie vs Dan Spivey/Corporal Kirchner
The Iron Sheik/Nikolai Volkoff vs Terry Morgan/Ivan McDonald
Mario Mancini vs Adrian Adonis
The Killer Bees vs Tiger Chung Lee/Joe Mirto
Nelson Villieux vs Dory Funk Jr
Sal Gee vs Randy Savage (IC Champ)
The Gladiator/Steve Lombardi vs Ricky Steamboat/King Tonga
Mario Mancini vs Hercules
Tito Santana/Pedro Morales vs AJ Petruzzi/Mr X
King Kong Bundy/Big John Studd vs Hillbilly Jim/Ted Arcidi
Andre Malo vs Jake Roberts
Iron Mike Sharpe/Dave Barbie vs Junkyard Dog/George Steele
The Show:
So let's kick things off with the 12th April episode and our commentators are Vince McMahon and Bruno Sammartino.
Ricky Steamboat/Junkyard Dog vs Mr X/Moondog Spot
Ricky Steamboat/Junkyard Dog vs Mr X/Moondog Spot
After Steamboat had his disappointing outing at Wrestlemania and JYD had his solid match on the same card, it'll be interesting to see where these two go from here. The crowd are alive for this and it's good to see Moondog Spot as always! Very little offense for the heels and the finish comes when JYD hits a hard powerslam for the win. JYD is starting to use that powerslam as his finisher more it seems. Squash Rating: ***
Update time with Lord Al and this week he's looking at the Rougeau Brothers. We see clips of a match of theirs in Sydney but we of course have already seen them a few editions ago!
The Hart Foundation vs Mario Mancini/SD Jones
Signs in the crowd referring to Bret as a greaseball and we even get a 'greaseball' chant! Weird how that one didn't reappear in 1997. His hair is still greasy in 2014 too, so he obviously didn't take his advice from crowd signs. Annoyingly, The Hart Foundation didn't get a tag match on the Wrestlemania card despite having a good showing in the battle royal so I'm hoping them to stamp their position on the tag team scene. The Foundation hit some nice double team moves in this, including that guillotine elbow drop we've seen them use recently. I'm even more impressed with a crisp dropkick by Anvil. They eventually get the win with
Update time with Lord Al and this week he's looking at the Rougeau Brothers. We see clips of a match of theirs in Sydney but we of course have already seen them a few editions ago!
The Hart Foundation vs Mario Mancini/SD Jones
Signs in the crowd referring to Bret as a greaseball and we even get a 'greaseball' chant! Weird how that one didn't reappear in 1997. His hair is still greasy in 2014 too, so he obviously didn't take his advice from crowd signs. Annoyingly, The Hart Foundation didn't get a tag match on the Wrestlemania card despite having a good showing in the battle royal so I'm hoping them to stamp their position on the tag team scene. The Foundation hit some nice double team moves in this, including that guillotine elbow drop we've seen them use recently. I'm even more impressed with a crisp dropkick by Anvil. They eventually get the win with
the Hart Attack! They seemed to enjoy that one more than normal it seems! I think Bret even smiled...but I'm probably wrong. Squash Rating: ***
Into the back with Mean Gene who's joined by Johnny V and the Dream Team. They're not happy at losing the titles and at a later date, they're getting the belts back. Valentine says that Captain Lou was the reason the Bulldogs won and now they're worn down so the Dream Team are ready to take advantage. Beefcake yells that he doesn't have enough time to say how he feels so he won't...and walks off! Another case of stage fright I'm guessing!
John Rizzo vs George Steele
I can't (hope) see us having to watch much more Steele matches after his match against Macho but who knows. Not much to say about this one except Steele no sells a lot, destroys turnbuckle and eventually gets the win with a cradle pin that was completely awkward in execution. Surely that move is far too complex for George Steele too...I mean, he supposedly thinks like an animal. Squash Rating: *
Into the back with Mean Gene who's with Ricky Steamboat. They talk about an upcoming 6 man tag match against the Funks and Steamboat cuts the ultimate babyface promo pretty much saying the Funks are bullies. JYD hobbles in, says something incoherently before Haiti Kid jumps in and shadowboxes. They talk about everyone's height and JYD pisses himself when Haiti Kid says he's 4 foot 2. That's not very nice Mr Dog!
Terry Morgan vs Don Muraco
It's another lad guilty of floating in purgatory. Muraco had a really crap match against Orndorff at Wrestlemania and seriously needs to be putting over younger talent or just move aside. He still gets to dominate jobbers though and of course wins this one with a tombstone. Muraco mouths off after the match saying that's how to do a piledriver. Lots of Steamboat chants throughout this one and you'd think the crowd would want Steamboat to be anywhere BUT feuding with Muraco anymore. Muraco did look good in this but it's just a shame it means nothing. Squash Rating: ***
Piper's Pit time but weirdly, Piper is replaced by Jimmy Hart and he's joined by Jake Roberts who's got his snake out. Roberts compares himself to Damien before saying that people make mistakes all the time but people have to realise making a mistake with Jake is costly. Jimmy freaks out when the snake gets too close and that's all we have. You'll hear this a lot I'm sure but Jake was just incredible then.
Paul Orndorff vs Steve Lombardi
Orndorff is obviously the other purgatory culprit but he has so much to offer! His aggression is still showing in these TV matches and it's like you can still see hints of his old heely self despite still being mega over. Bruno plays it off as intensity but I dunno. Orndorff eventually gets the win with a piledriver and that's how you also do it Mr Muraco! Squash Rating: **
The Gladiator/Dave Barbie vs Dan Spivey/Corporal Kirchner
I wonder if these two will make it to the next Wrestlemania because I havn't heard much about them yet they seem to be on most cards we look at. They're still very over but I just can't seem to like them. Spivey isn't too bad but Kirchner is so sloppy and his character is so unlikable. Kirchner does hit a swinging neckbreaker which I've not seen him use before and then Spivey gets the win with his bulldog. I can't work out where these two will go, feudwise. Maybe they'll end up going for the tag belts in a few months. Squash Rating: **
Into the back with Mean Gene who's joined by Big John Studd. He talks about how awesome he is and the things he's done and that Ted Arcidi has done nothing in comparison. I guess these two will be fighting soon. In comes Jimmy Hart who complains about having to appear in an upcoming match too. The Funks are with him and Terry says he can't be afraid because he'll be with the Funks and that they're against a midget, a dragon without fire and a dog. Dory chillingly makes his gruesome promises and that's it for this episode so onto the next one.
It's the 19th of April now and again, our commentators are Vince McMahon and Bruno Sammartino. Even though he's crap, I'm starting to enjoy Bruno's commentary, he's like an old, lovable uncle.
The Iron Sheik/Nikolai Volkoff vs Terry Morgan/Ivan McDonald
The second appearance in a row for Terry Morgan...but no one really cares I'm sure. Sheik and Volkoff are what can only be described as novelty it seems. They're good both steady boo's but they've barely done anything in the tag team scene. Blassie is wearing a lovely sparkly pink tuxedo I should point out. The finish comes when Volkoff hits a big gutbuster and Sheik follows with an awesome belly to belly suplex and the camel clutch to win. Blassie gets some cheap shots in with the cane afterwards. Squash Rating: **
Update time with Lord Al and he's looking at Wrestlemania 2. He seems to focus on the celebrity appearances in the show...of which there were fucking millions...my favourite being Herb.
Mario Mancini vs Adrian Adonis
A second appearance for Mancini...but I doubt anyone gives a shit. Adonis is still coming out to You're So Vain and I kind of get a kick out of Jimmy Hart singing it every appearance they make. Luckily for Adonis, he doesn't have to wrestle Uncle Elmer again but unluckily he's still getting 'faggot' chants thrown at him. Adonis hits a lovely hanging neckbreaker at one point before locking on a sleeper hold and that gets the win. No DDT this time! Adonis is seriously one of the better ones in terms of moveset range. Squash Rating: ***
Into the back with Mean Gene who's joined by Captain Lou. He says hello to all his fans and then rants incoherently until the Bulldogs come in with their new titles. Davey says they've travelled around for 9 months and they finally won. They'll give the Dream Team a rematch before Dynamite says that they're very happy but they're ready to defend at any time.
The Killer Bees vs Tiger Chung Lee/Joe Mirto
I never realised before just how scary looking Tiger Chung Lee is. When he just stares, it's like a Korean Dan Severn is looking at you...I'd assume. Bee's have been doing solid yet unspectacular work recently but they're in danger of being lost in a shuffle of good, quick teams, especially now the Rougeau's have arrived. It's more of the same in this one with good double team moves by the Bees. They get the win with a double team sunset flip. Like I said before, solid yet unspectacular. Squash Rating: **
Into the back with Mean Gene who's joined by Ted Arcidi. He says he's happy he'll be returning to his hometown and he's here to settle a score with Big John Studd. Arcidi seemed quite real in this and I liked it!
Nelson Villieux vs Dory Funk Jr
This is Dory's first singles match in the blog so let's tell you about it. Headlock to start and Villieux hits a crossbody for 1. Dory sends him flying out the ring before bringing back in and nailing some uppercuts. He hits a nice underhook suplex but he gets rolled up for 1. Dory hits a nice piledriver and that gets the quick 3 before he wails away on him with a bullrope. Dory looked good but I couldn't help but expect to see him pull off a few more power moves. Squash Rating: **
Pipers Pit time and Piper gets cheered for saying that he's back. He brings out Big John Studd and King Kong Bundy. They make a challenge to Andre the Giant and a partner of his choice to a match in the future. They show Piper how they're going to slam Andre using Bob Orton as the dummy despite his protestations. Poor Bob!
We get to see the FULL tag team title match from Wrestlemania which I have ***3/4 for! Check out the review in the last edition.
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Sal Gee vs Randy Savage (IC Champ)
It's always a pleasure to see Macho appear and even more so regarding Liz. Big reaction albeit mixed for the two but who couldn't love what Macho's been doing...give or take his stalling. Now that George Steele is done and dusted, it will be interesting to see who steps up to challenge Macho for the belt next. It's another easy win for Savage as you'd expect as he gets the win with the flying elbow. Squash Rating: ***
Into the back with Mean Gene who's joined by the Dream Team. They reitorate their threats to the Bulldogs from last week and say the belts are coming back to them when they have their rematch and that's all for that episode.
Now we go onto the 26th of April and the last TV episode of the month. Our commentators are Vince McMahon and Bruno Sammartino.
The Gladiator/Steve Lombardi vs Ricky Steamboat/King Tonga
So it seems these two are still tagging with each other but I just wish Tonga wasn't so devoid of personality.
He's still maybe yet to do something of note but then again, so is Jake Roberts and he certainly isn't boring is he? Match here is as you'd expect and the finish comes when Tonga hits a big atomic drop before Steamboat comes off the top with the big splash for 3. Tonga showed slightly more than normal in this one and Steamboat was his normal solid self. Squash Rating: ***
Update time with Lord Al and this week he's looking at Wrestlemania again. He rallies through a load of what I can only assume are exaggerated statistics before we see clips of the battle royal.
Mario Mancini vs Hercules
We don't see much Herc on these TV shows so here's a chance for us to see if his moveset and characteristics have developed at all. He does nail a strong clothesline in the early goings before going to work on Mancini. Herc shows plenty of aggression in this one and even Blassie gets some shots in. Herc gets the win with the torture rack! Simple and solid but it's time he was put in a featured feud. Squash Rating: **
Into the back with Mean Gene who's joined by The British Bulldogs. Davey says the Dream Team don't deserve a rematch and they should chase them like they chased the Dream Team. Dynamite struggles with his promo and I think he's still suffering from that ridiculous bump he took at Wrestlemania. He seemed worryingly confused in that one.
Tito Santana/Pedro Morales vs AJ Petruzzi/Mr X
Vince seems to still have Mario Mancini on the brain and even says we shouldn't expect to see him for a while. Tito and Pedro are still doing their pass the torch dealeo but I think it's a little too late for Tito. While Hogan is champion, there's nowhere for him to go after two runs with the IC belt. He's still got in going in ring but Pedro obviously is slowing down at this point. Finish comes when Tito nails the Pedro assisted flying jalepeno and that gets the 3. Squash Rating: **
Into the back with Mean Gene who's joined by Jimmy Hart and Dory Funk. He's still happy about JYD at Wrestlemania. Dory has some chilling words about having to fight a midget and it makes me think he eats midgets for a light brunch. By the way, Terry is nowhere to be seen here and he might have left WWE at this point because he was spending too much time away from home and Dory could step in a get some work for himself.
King Kong Bundy/Big John Studd vs Hillbilly Jim/Ted Arcidi
This is the special challenge match made 2 episodes ago and mentioned earlier in this blog edition. Of course it was made especially to Andre the Giant but hold on...where is he? I have no idea but we get a not quite suitable replacement in Ted Arcidi. Even Vince McMahon sheds zero light on why Andre is not there. Since Andre isn't there, this is just an extended squash for the two big lads. The crowd is loud as ever though when Jim gets on the offensive. The two big lads can't quite control themselves and absolutely demolish the faces despite the ref trying to keep order. That gets them disqualified but I don't think they care too much. Match Rating: **
Pipers Pit time and they're joined this week by the Killer Bees! Piper of course rips into them and the Bees respond by being the ultimate clean cut good guys. Brunzell can't help but smile the whole way through this so I think he enjoyed working with Roddy.
Andre Malo vs Jake Roberts
Is this our first Jake TV match? Last time out he got dominated at Wrestlemania before getting the one move win. Here it's not quite like that as Jake does get more offense in. This actually proves to me that all those Jake squash matches we've seen so far could've been cut by 10 minutes each. DDT gets the win as you'd expect and Malo gets the Jake treatment afterwards. You'll hear me say this a lot but Jake will forever have the best DDT ever. Squash Rating: ***
Iron Mike Sharpe/Dave Barbie vs Junkyard Dog/George Steele
The faces are joined by Haiti Kid because they're tagging together at an upcoming house show and why the fuck not. Plenty of hijinks in this one with all the faces getting involved at some point. No DQ's when Haiti Kid starts biting people because that would just be logical. JYD gets the win for his team with a big powerslam. Squash Rating: **
Onto the scores...
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Into the back with Mean Gene who's joined by Johnny V and the Dream Team. They're not happy at losing the titles and at a later date, they're getting the belts back. Valentine says that Captain Lou was the reason the Bulldogs won and now they're worn down so the Dream Team are ready to take advantage. Beefcake yells that he doesn't have enough time to say how he feels so he won't...and walks off! Another case of stage fright I'm guessing!
John Rizzo vs George Steele
I can't (hope) see us having to watch much more Steele matches after his match against Macho but who knows. Not much to say about this one except Steele no sells a lot, destroys turnbuckle and eventually gets the win with a cradle pin that was completely awkward in execution. Surely that move is far too complex for George Steele too...I mean, he supposedly thinks like an animal. Squash Rating: *
Into the back with Mean Gene who's with Ricky Steamboat. They talk about an upcoming 6 man tag match against the Funks and Steamboat cuts the ultimate babyface promo pretty much saying the Funks are bullies. JYD hobbles in, says something incoherently before Haiti Kid jumps in and shadowboxes. They talk about everyone's height and JYD pisses himself when Haiti Kid says he's 4 foot 2. That's not very nice Mr Dog!
Terry Morgan vs Don Muraco
It's another lad guilty of floating in purgatory. Muraco had a really crap match against Orndorff at Wrestlemania and seriously needs to be putting over younger talent or just move aside. He still gets to dominate jobbers though and of course wins this one with a tombstone. Muraco mouths off after the match saying that's how to do a piledriver. Lots of Steamboat chants throughout this one and you'd think the crowd would want Steamboat to be anywhere BUT feuding with Muraco anymore. Muraco did look good in this but it's just a shame it means nothing. Squash Rating: ***
Piper's Pit time but weirdly, Piper is replaced by Jimmy Hart and he's joined by Jake Roberts who's got his snake out. Roberts compares himself to Damien before saying that people make mistakes all the time but people have to realise making a mistake with Jake is costly. Jimmy freaks out when the snake gets too close and that's all we have. You'll hear this a lot I'm sure but Jake was just incredible then.
Paul Orndorff vs Steve Lombardi
Orndorff is obviously the other purgatory culprit but he has so much to offer! His aggression is still showing in these TV matches and it's like you can still see hints of his old heely self despite still being mega over. Bruno plays it off as intensity but I dunno. Orndorff eventually gets the win with a piledriver and that's how you also do it Mr Muraco! Squash Rating: **
The Gladiator/Dave Barbie vs Dan Spivey/Corporal Kirchner
I wonder if these two will make it to the next Wrestlemania because I havn't heard much about them yet they seem to be on most cards we look at. They're still very over but I just can't seem to like them. Spivey isn't too bad but Kirchner is so sloppy and his character is so unlikable. Kirchner does hit a swinging neckbreaker which I've not seen him use before and then Spivey gets the win with his bulldog. I can't work out where these two will go, feudwise. Maybe they'll end up going for the tag belts in a few months. Squash Rating: **
Into the back with Mean Gene who's joined by Big John Studd. He talks about how awesome he is and the things he's done and that Ted Arcidi has done nothing in comparison. I guess these two will be fighting soon. In comes Jimmy Hart who complains about having to appear in an upcoming match too. The Funks are with him and Terry says he can't be afraid because he'll be with the Funks and that they're against a midget, a dragon without fire and a dog. Dory chillingly makes his gruesome promises and that's it for this episode so onto the next one.
It's the 19th of April now and again, our commentators are Vince McMahon and Bruno Sammartino. Even though he's crap, I'm starting to enjoy Bruno's commentary, he's like an old, lovable uncle.
The Iron Sheik/Nikolai Volkoff vs Terry Morgan/Ivan McDonald
The second appearance in a row for Terry Morgan...but no one really cares I'm sure. Sheik and Volkoff are what can only be described as novelty it seems. They're good both steady boo's but they've barely done anything in the tag team scene. Blassie is wearing a lovely sparkly pink tuxedo I should point out. The finish comes when Volkoff hits a big gutbuster and Sheik follows with an awesome belly to belly suplex and the camel clutch to win. Blassie gets some cheap shots in with the cane afterwards. Squash Rating: **
Update time with Lord Al and he's looking at Wrestlemania 2. He seems to focus on the celebrity appearances in the show...of which there were fucking millions...my favourite being Herb.
Mario Mancini vs Adrian Adonis
A second appearance for Mancini...but I doubt anyone gives a shit. Adonis is still coming out to You're So Vain and I kind of get a kick out of Jimmy Hart singing it every appearance they make. Luckily for Adonis, he doesn't have to wrestle Uncle Elmer again but unluckily he's still getting 'faggot' chants thrown at him. Adonis hits a lovely hanging neckbreaker at one point before locking on a sleeper hold and that gets the win. No DDT this time! Adonis is seriously one of the better ones in terms of moveset range. Squash Rating: ***
Into the back with Mean Gene who's joined by Captain Lou. He says hello to all his fans and then rants incoherently until the Bulldogs come in with their new titles. Davey says they've travelled around for 9 months and they finally won. They'll give the Dream Team a rematch before Dynamite says that they're very happy but they're ready to defend at any time.
The Killer Bees vs Tiger Chung Lee/Joe Mirto
I never realised before just how scary looking Tiger Chung Lee is. When he just stares, it's like a Korean Dan Severn is looking at you...I'd assume. Bee's have been doing solid yet unspectacular work recently but they're in danger of being lost in a shuffle of good, quick teams, especially now the Rougeau's have arrived. It's more of the same in this one with good double team moves by the Bees. They get the win with a double team sunset flip. Like I said before, solid yet unspectacular. Squash Rating: **
Into the back with Mean Gene who's joined by Ted Arcidi. He says he's happy he'll be returning to his hometown and he's here to settle a score with Big John Studd. Arcidi seemed quite real in this and I liked it!
Nelson Villieux vs Dory Funk Jr
This is Dory's first singles match in the blog so let's tell you about it. Headlock to start and Villieux hits a crossbody for 1. Dory sends him flying out the ring before bringing back in and nailing some uppercuts. He hits a nice underhook suplex but he gets rolled up for 1. Dory hits a nice piledriver and that gets the quick 3 before he wails away on him with a bullrope. Dory looked good but I couldn't help but expect to see him pull off a few more power moves. Squash Rating: **
Pipers Pit time and Piper gets cheered for saying that he's back. He brings out Big John Studd and King Kong Bundy. They make a challenge to Andre the Giant and a partner of his choice to a match in the future. They show Piper how they're going to slam Andre using Bob Orton as the dummy despite his protestations. Poor Bob!
We get to see the FULL tag team title match from Wrestlemania which I have ***3/4 for! Check out the review in the last edition.
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Sal Gee vs Randy Savage (IC Champ)
It's always a pleasure to see Macho appear and even more so regarding Liz. Big reaction albeit mixed for the two but who couldn't love what Macho's been doing...give or take his stalling. Now that George Steele is done and dusted, it will be interesting to see who steps up to challenge Macho for the belt next. It's another easy win for Savage as you'd expect as he gets the win with the flying elbow. Squash Rating: ***
Into the back with Mean Gene who's joined by the Dream Team. They reitorate their threats to the Bulldogs from last week and say the belts are coming back to them when they have their rematch and that's all for that episode.
Now we go onto the 26th of April and the last TV episode of the month. Our commentators are Vince McMahon and Bruno Sammartino.
The Gladiator/Steve Lombardi vs Ricky Steamboat/King Tonga
So it seems these two are still tagging with each other but I just wish Tonga wasn't so devoid of personality.
He's still maybe yet to do something of note but then again, so is Jake Roberts and he certainly isn't boring is he? Match here is as you'd expect and the finish comes when Tonga hits a big atomic drop before Steamboat comes off the top with the big splash for 3. Tonga showed slightly more than normal in this one and Steamboat was his normal solid self. Squash Rating: ***
Update time with Lord Al and this week he's looking at Wrestlemania again. He rallies through a load of what I can only assume are exaggerated statistics before we see clips of the battle royal.
Mario Mancini vs Hercules
We don't see much Herc on these TV shows so here's a chance for us to see if his moveset and characteristics have developed at all. He does nail a strong clothesline in the early goings before going to work on Mancini. Herc shows plenty of aggression in this one and even Blassie gets some shots in. Herc gets the win with the torture rack! Simple and solid but it's time he was put in a featured feud. Squash Rating: **
Into the back with Mean Gene who's joined by The British Bulldogs. Davey says the Dream Team don't deserve a rematch and they should chase them like they chased the Dream Team. Dynamite struggles with his promo and I think he's still suffering from that ridiculous bump he took at Wrestlemania. He seemed worryingly confused in that one.
Tito Santana/Pedro Morales vs AJ Petruzzi/Mr X
Vince seems to still have Mario Mancini on the brain and even says we shouldn't expect to see him for a while. Tito and Pedro are still doing their pass the torch dealeo but I think it's a little too late for Tito. While Hogan is champion, there's nowhere for him to go after two runs with the IC belt. He's still got in going in ring but Pedro obviously is slowing down at this point. Finish comes when Tito nails the Pedro assisted flying jalepeno and that gets the 3. Squash Rating: **
Into the back with Mean Gene who's joined by Jimmy Hart and Dory Funk. He's still happy about JYD at Wrestlemania. Dory has some chilling words about having to fight a midget and it makes me think he eats midgets for a light brunch. By the way, Terry is nowhere to be seen here and he might have left WWE at this point because he was spending too much time away from home and Dory could step in a get some work for himself.
King Kong Bundy/Big John Studd vs Hillbilly Jim/Ted Arcidi
This is the special challenge match made 2 episodes ago and mentioned earlier in this blog edition. Of course it was made especially to Andre the Giant but hold on...where is he? I have no idea but we get a not quite suitable replacement in Ted Arcidi. Even Vince McMahon sheds zero light on why Andre is not there. Since Andre isn't there, this is just an extended squash for the two big lads. The crowd is loud as ever though when Jim gets on the offensive. The two big lads can't quite control themselves and absolutely demolish the faces despite the ref trying to keep order. That gets them disqualified but I don't think they care too much. Match Rating: **
Pipers Pit time and they're joined this week by the Killer Bees! Piper of course rips into them and the Bees respond by being the ultimate clean cut good guys. Brunzell can't help but smile the whole way through this so I think he enjoyed working with Roddy.
Andre Malo vs Jake Roberts
Is this our first Jake TV match? Last time out he got dominated at Wrestlemania before getting the one move win. Here it's not quite like that as Jake does get more offense in. This actually proves to me that all those Jake squash matches we've seen so far could've been cut by 10 minutes each. DDT gets the win as you'd expect and Malo gets the Jake treatment afterwards. You'll hear me say this a lot but Jake will forever have the best DDT ever. Squash Rating: ***
Iron Mike Sharpe/Dave Barbie vs Junkyard Dog/George Steele
The faces are joined by Haiti Kid because they're tagging together at an upcoming house show and why the fuck not. Plenty of hijinks in this one with all the faces getting involved at some point. No DQ's when Haiti Kid starts biting people because that would just be logical. JYD gets the win for his team with a big powerslam. Squash Rating: **
Onto the scores...
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Wrestler Scores:
- Ricky Steamboat +6 (83)
- Junkyard Dog +6 (72)
- Mr X +2 (6)
- Moondog Spot +1 (18)
- Jacques Rougeau +1 (7)
- Raymond Rougeau +1 (7)
- Bret Hart +4 (51)
- Jim Neidhart +3 (45)
- Mario Mancini +2 (2)
- SD Jones +1 (15)
- Greg Valentine +2 (73)
- Brutus Beefcake +2 (46)
- John Rizzo +1 (2)
- George Steele +2 (27)
- Terry Morgan +2 (2)
- Don Muraco +3 (49)
- Jake Roberts +4 (16)
- Paul Orndorff +3 (64)
- Steve Lombardi +1 (5)
- The Gladiator +2 (4)
- Dave Barbie +2 (4)
- Dan Spivey +3 (16)
- Corporal Kirchner +3 (37)
- Big John Studd +4 (27)
- Terry Funk +1 (53)
- Dory Funk +4 (25)
- Iron Sheik +3 (44)
- Nikolai Volkoff +3 (43)
- Ivan Mcdonald +2 (5)
- Adrian Adonis +3 (54)
- Davey Boy Smith +2 (54)
- Dynamite Kid +2 (58)
- B Brian Blair +4 (33)
- Jim Brunzell +4 (24)
- Tiger Chung Lee +1 (7)
- Joe Mirto +1 (6)
- Ted Arcidi +4 (10)
- Nelson Villeaux +1 (4)
- King Kong Bundy +4 (51)
- Sal Gee +1 (2)
- Randy Savage +3 (72)
- King Tonga +3 (21)
- Hercules +3 (16)
- Tito Santana +3 (82)
- Pedro Morales +3 (11)
- AJ Petruzzi +1 (6)
- Hillbilly Jim +3 (18)
- Andre Malo +1 (3)
- Iron Mike Sharpe +1 (14)
So really, no big points hauls for anyone apart from Steamboat and JYD and that's because they appeared a couple of times in this edition. Dory Funk is steadily rising with solid appearances and the tag teams are continuing on the same trend. With Terry Funk now removed from the active roster, it may allow others to climb towards the Top 10. Speaking of which...
- Hulk Hogan - 98 Points
- Ricky Steamboat - 83 Points
- Tito Santana - 82 Points
- Roddy Piper - 76 Points
- Greg Valentine - 73 Points
- Junkyard Dog - 72 Points
- Randy Savage - 72 Points
- Paul Orndorff - 64 Points
- Dynamite Kid - 58 Points
- Adrian Adonis - 54 Points
There might be two seperate dog fights going on as we move forward. Firstly, places 2 - 4 are constantly changing with repeated appearances and solid performances. Piper may drop off slightly but I'm expecting Savage, JYD and Orndorff to move upwards. Secondly, the race to actually appear in the top 10 is a close one. Since I don't show the immediate places after 10th, you can't see that Bob Orton, Davey Boy Smith, Terry Funk and Bret Hart are all a handful of points behind Adonis so expect to see a lot of shifts in the names at the bottom. So, that leads us nicely into the next edition!
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