WWE All Star Search #13 - Saturday Nights Main Event 3
BOO! Hello Turnbucklers! It's edition #13 and this time we're looking at Saturday Nights Main Event 3...which was less than a month after the previous one. This one is a special Halloween themed episode of SNME so get ready to be spooked by some classic 80's WWE. The card has some big names on it such as Hogan, Andre and Savage. The tag match I'm not expecting much in-ring wise from it but the crowd should be red hot. Randy Savage vs Santana could be a good one and I expect plenty of shenanigans in the last one. Throughout the night there is a Halloween party going on so expect that to be a reoccurance. Let's get started shall we?
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Terry Funk vs Junkyard Dog
Hulk Hogan (WWE Champ)/Andre the Giant vs King Kong Bundy/Big John Studd
Randy Savage vs Tito Santana (IC Champ)
Ricky Steamboat vs Mr Fuji [Martial Arts Exhibition Match]
The Show:
We open with Bobby Heenan dunking for pumpkins to the tune of Tubular Bells while Mean Gene shills the card.
Cut to Hogan who has some fighting words for the giants before Andre ushers him away.
Jesse Ventura is with Roddy Piper where they both laugh at the hillbillies and their failure of a wedding! We've got a Piper's Pit tonight with said hillbillies and that may be fun.
Mean Gene is now with Terry Funk and Jimmy Hart who says its a matter of time before he's champion, however tonight he's housetraining the JYD. Funk spits tobacco at the camera and here we go!
On commentary we have Vince McMahon and a ridiculously dressed Jesse Ventura.
Terry Funk vs Junkyard Dog
Before we start, we see highlights of Terry Funk beating up a ringside assistant, then clips of Funk branding JYD and then another promo from Terry Funk who calls JYD dog meat. He finally gets to the ring to little heat before we cut to JYD with Mean Gene who says today is his day. JYD comes out to Grab Them Cakes and the crowd is solidly behind him. He takes control of Funk early while his music still plays. JYD heads after Jimmy Hart on the outside but stops short to crotch Funk on the ropes. The heels regroup before Funk heads back in the ring. Funk nails a scoop slam, misses an elbow drop and then eats a scoop slam to the outside by JYD. Back in JYD takes control again and starts hitting his dog-headbutts that to me look ridiculous. Jimmy Hart distracts JYD from the outside and gets chased. Funk tries to save Hart but gets backdropped on the concrete. Back in the ring and Funk nails some stinging punches and gets a 2 count. Sleeperhold by Funk as the crowd get behind the JYD (he is mega over in this one). JYD escapes and locks in a sleeper of his own until Hart distracts him again. Hart gets thrown into the ring but that allows Funk to nail JYD with the megaphone behind the ref's back for the 3. After the match they go to brand JYD but JYD catches the iron, sends Funk outside and then brands Jimmy Hart to a HUGE pop! All good fun but I'm not really a JYD fan. The crowd loved him in this one and Funk is a great heel, very underused at this point. Match Rating: *1/2
Into the back with Mean Gene who is with a line of Halloween dressed superstars. Macho Man and Liz are Tarzan and Jane, Nikolai Volkoff is Robin, Sheiky baby is Batman - baby, Heenan is Davey Crockett with added weasel themed hat, Tito Santana is Zorro, Hogan is Hercules (not Hernandez), the hillbillies are the three musketeers and Bundy is Abe Lincoln. There's a pie eating contest between Bundy and Captain Lou Albano. Things get messy and its like watching my Aunt Michelle eat. Captain Lou wins while Bundy fails fat men everywhere. Albano gets pie faced by Bundy to finish the segment and it's all good fun!
We get some highlights from the hillbilly wedding from the last SNME before we go to Piper's Pit in the ring with the group of hillbillies. Roddy Piper comes out to good heat with Cowboy Bob Orton. Piper is quick to start ripping into the hillbillies while they just sit and stare at him. Elmer reels off his catchphrase, 'that's none of your business' while Piper rips his sexual tendencies. Hillbilly Jim stands up and confronts Piper who deflects the heat to Jesse Ventura. Ventura makes his way to the ring and lays into the hillbillies himself to big heat. We see Orton sneaking behind the hillbillies and the little one eats floor in a jock 'n' nerd spot. The hillbillies level Piper outside the ring and go after Ventura but he escapes to the floor. The hillbillies celebrate by comically stamping on Ventura's hat!
Backstage again and its Heenan vs Cousin Junior in a pumpkin bobbing contest. Once again it messy, its cheesy and it's very much 80's. Heenan gets the win and lets off an awesome heel laugh in victory. Liz and Macho Man were there helping and boy did Liz look DAMN hot.
Mean Gene is with a cleaned up Bobby Heenan, King Kong Bundy and Big John Studd. They hype up their following match and say they're going to prove they're the best. Studd botches his lines and Heenan was good enough to distract.
Mean Gene is now with Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant and Captain Lou. Hogan hypes up Andre while Andre cuts him off to tell him its time to kick oversized ass!
Hulk Hogan (WWE Champ)/Andre the Giant vs King Kong Bundy/Big John Studd
Big Weasel chant for Heenan before Hogan's now familiar 'Real American' theme hits and out come the faces to a MASSIVE pop. Hogan still finds time to chew on his bandana on his way to the ring and I wouldn't wanna catch that if he threw it! Crowd is buzzing for this one as Hogan and Bundy start us off. Hogan gets Bundy off his feet quickly with a knee but fails in slamming him. That allows Bundy to try and attack but to no avail as Hogan nails a clothesline in the corner. Tag to Andre as McMahon calls him 'the Big Boss Man.' Andre chokes Bundy for what seems like an age as the ref just stands and stares. Hogan back in and he nails an ax handle of the second rope. The heels take control when Studd tags in but it's not long until he eats a sloppy atomic drop before Andre comes back in. More chokes by Andre but he accidentally knocks out the referee. It all breaks down into a 4 way brawl while another ref comes down to take over. Heels get sent to the outside for a breather before Andre and Studd restart us off. More chokes by Andre and Hogan nails a cheap shot. Hogan tags in and nails a crap looking clothesline on Studd. Andre back in and he nails a crap looking boot to the face. Andre gets caught in the ropes like he always seems to do and the heels take control with the clear advantage. The bell rings and Hogan makes the save. Andre is released and the faces clear the ring of the big, bad heels. Hogan and Andre are announced the winners via DQ. Mean Gene gets a few words with Andre who wants more of the heels while Hogan says they proved that they can't beat Andre fairly. The crowd were hot which is good considering these are the names that will be centre stage for the forseeable future. The match itself was so, so, so bad though, especially Andre and Studd. That makes me worry considering I know to expect a one on one between them in the near future. I thought they'd make Bundy look a little stronger than they did but they kept his interaction minimal and basic. Suprised Hogan took him off his feet after 2 moves too. Match Rating: DUD
Mean Gene is with Randy Savage and Liz. Macho Man calls Gene stupid for asking about Liz. Liz gets a few words in and Savage lets her! Savage is ready to be IC champion and off they go to the ring as their music plays.
Randy Savage vs Tito Santana (IC Champ)
Tito got the jobber entrance despite being the champion which doesn't bode well for his future. They lock up quickly but Savage stalls something fierce and the crowd give him heat. They lock up again and Savage takes control and nails a knee drop. Savage misses an elbow and eats an arm drag. Savage regains control and nails a clubbing blow from the top rope for 2. Sleeper hold applied by Savage as a Tito chant breaks out. Savage puts on a wristlock and turns it into a headlock but Tito eventually tries to fight out of it but eats a scoop slam. Savage misses his top rope elbow and Santana takes control including a botched knee left of all things. Scoop slam by Tito but Savage bails outside before he can hit something else. Tito follows outside but Macho Man runs away. He stops Tito coming back into the ring and tries to piledrive him on the concrete. Both men get counted out but that doesn't stop them brawling. Good to see Savage moving towards the IC Title already but the match itself was really disappointing. Tito is slowly but surely losing his high spot on the roster. Match Rating: 3/4*
Into the back with a gurning Mr Fuji who is preparing for his martial arts exhibition with Ricky Steamboat. We cut to Steamboat who is preparing also by breaking planks of wood with his fists.
We head to Roddy Piper's house now and he's enjoying Halloween at home. He puts a stick in a bowling ball to be used as fake candy apples (I'm stealing all these ideas because I'm a meany) and wrapping bricks in tinfoil. Piper does an uncomfortable impression of a 'native' including the use of a makeshift spear. Piper gets wound up by McMahon's questions and says he can do whatever he wants! The doorbell rings and its some kids! One of them is dressed as Hogan...and I bet their inring skills are better than the original. Piper banters with the kids and hands out his Piper treats. These are some nosey kids by the way... 'whats that Mr Piper'. Piper's treats ruin the kids bags and acts like what can only be described as a nutcase. Here's the twist though, the kids were playing Piper all along...as he's eaten their chocolate covered chilli. Ooooooh the shenanigans.
Into the back with Mean Gene who watches Mr Fuji chop through wood and bricks...all impressive stuff. He headbutts some more wood and seems happy with himself.
Still in the back and Mean Gene is with Ricky Steamboat. They show clips of Steamboats history with Fuji and Don Muraco including him being hung by his neck over the top rope with a belt. Steamboat says tonight Fuji will feel his only fear...the Dragon.
Ricky Steamboat vs Mr Fuji (Martial Arts Exhibition Match)
Out comes Steamboat to a HUGE ovation...Hogan-esque! Fuji and Muraco are already in the ring and I don't really know what the rules are for this one. Steamboat poses while Mr Fuji tries some chops and kicks. Steamboat takes control and nails some elbows to send Fuji reeling. Fuji takes control with a cheap shot and nails a stiff chop to the chest. Dragon fights back briefly but it doesn't last for long. He does eventually manage to hit a nice suplex to stop Fuji's momentum. Dragon goes up top and nails a lovely missile dropkick and that gets the 3! Straight after Muraco attacks Dragon and the heels beat him down before leaving. I was expecting Steamboat to have most the offense in this one but it wasn't the case. I guess it highlights just how much of a babyface he is, even letting Mr Fuji look good against him in 1985. Hopefully Dragon finishes this feud soon and goes onto something better and more suitable to his style. Match Rating: 3/4*
Into the back once more and it's our final Halloween event and it's a pumpkin pass. Liz drops her teams pumpkin so the heels lose. Savage rips into Liz to end the show!
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Out comes Steamboat to a HUGE ovation...Hogan-esque! Fuji and Muraco are already in the ring and I don't really know what the rules are for this one. Steamboat poses while Mr Fuji tries some chops and kicks. Steamboat takes control and nails some elbows to send Fuji reeling. Fuji takes control with a cheap shot and nails a stiff chop to the chest. Dragon fights back briefly but it doesn't last for long. He does eventually manage to hit a nice suplex to stop Fuji's momentum. Dragon goes up top and nails a lovely missile dropkick and that gets the 3! Straight after Muraco attacks Dragon and the heels beat him down before leaving. I was expecting Steamboat to have most the offense in this one but it wasn't the case. I guess it highlights just how much of a babyface he is, even letting Mr Fuji look good against him in 1985. Hopefully Dragon finishes this feud soon and goes onto something better and more suitable to his style. Match Rating: 3/4*
Into the back once more and it's our final Halloween event and it's a pumpkin pass. Liz drops her teams pumpkin so the heels lose. Savage rips into Liz to end the show!
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Wrestler Scores:
- Terry Funk +5 (10)
- Junkyard Dog +5 (20)
- Roddy Piper +6 (49)
- Jesse Ventura +1 (12)
- Bob Orton +1 (19)
- Hillbilly Jim +1 (1)
- Uncle Elmer +1 (3)
- Cousin Luke +1 (1)
- Hulk Hogan +6 (57)
- Andre the Giant +5 (25)
- King Kong Bundy +5 (20)
- Big John Studd +3 (16)
- Tito Santana +4 (46)
- Randy Savage +5 (11)
- Mr Fuji +3 (10)
- Don Muraco +1 (14)
- Ricky Steamboat +6 (29)
So the show wasn't spectacular but it was definitely fun. Despite the in-ring quality being somewhat poor, a lot of featured superstars gained some extra points with their backstage shenanigans and their promo's. Steamboats crowd reaction boosted him slightly and Piper's promo's and segments were really entertaining. Two new blog debuts via Hillbilly Jim and Cousin Luke but who knows how far they'll go in our points system. Although Savage's match was disappointing, I loved his promo's and interaction with Liz throughout the night so he gets a boost too. Disappointing to see Studd score so low considering who he is working with and the crowd reactions for it but I can't ignore how sloppy he was on the mic and in the ring. Anyway...onto the next show which will be...The Wrestling Classic!
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